Friday, February 18, 2011

New zoo drawings and dog gestures!

These are studies of my dog and I have been thinking lately of studying him and animating him in a stylized manner. It is really fun and challenging to capture a dog's pose when they are REALLY energetic! Great dog, great subject to draw, what else can I ask for. I am going to shoot for more running studies but again, boy is it tough to capture and record on paper when they take off!

Hey guys! This is the new zoo drawings I mentioned on a earlier posting. These all gesture studies and as I was drawing these, as before I think to myself that I should not just enjoy myself, sit back and just draw all day but actually put some thought effort into these drawings. That is not to say I do not think when I am drawing or sketching but as you will notice on some of these pages that I was trying to convey a sense of a animation study of the particular animal, draw poses in sequence and number them for the sake of motion study. I do feel I have improved over the last year or two when I have last visited the zoo consistently. I can not emphasize enough how important these animal drawings are for a animator. I have recently been thinking it is not simply enough to draw well but to convey and capture a sense of life in these gesture drawings. I will continue to heavily keep this in mind and post future drawings that will greatly present themselves as motion studies throughout my zoo visits. Enjoy!

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